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This page will be updated with any links that we feel people interested in Tamworth Heritage might also be interested in. If you have a resource you thinl we should add please email the editor@Tamworthheritge.org.uk We also have a research page for researchers.


Magic Attic

The Magic Attic, Swadlingcote

The Magic Attic is a large local history archive located in South Derbyshire at Sharpe's Pottery Museum, West Street, Swadlincote. Post Code is DE11 9DG .


The archive contains newspapers, photographs, maps, artefacts and family history information for South Derbyshire and surrounding areas.


Visitors and enquiries from outside the region and from abroad are also given every assistance and are equally welcome. We work in close association with the libraries of Swadlincote and Burton on Trent and with most of the local history groups. http://www.magicattic.org.uk/


Tamworth Castle

Tamworth Castle Museum and Archive


Tamworth Castle is a great place to visit. However due to space restrictuions only a very small part of the collection is on display, with a very small Archive team. This looks like it will remain the case into the forseeable future.
The Tamworth Digitial Archive may be able to heip as it often assists the Magazine's readers to make donations to Tamworth Castle Archive. Though it is able toturn around photography and scanning of items far faster than the Castle

Staffordshire Regimental Museum and Archive

Staffordshire Regimental Museum and Archive
& Mercian Regimental Archive


The present Museum building was purpose-built as the Regimental Headquarters and Museum of the Staffordshire Regiment. It lies adjacent to the former Whittington Barracks https://staffordshireregimentmuseum.com/



Tamworth Digital Archive