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Submissions Guide

This is general guidance for anyone wanting to write for Tamworth Heritage Magazine. In short we would rather have something than nothing, so all submissions welcome

This guide is available to download. Click here

The more of the guidelines below you can work with the easier it gets for The Editor.   However, if you are not sure email the editor and ask.  The team have a lot of experience, access to databases of information and images.  If in any doubt please email the editor@taworthheritage.org.uk rather than not write an article.

IMPORTANT: Only use fonts that are standard on Apple Mac's and/or Microsoft Windows.
(the magazine resets to house style anyway.)


Letters to the Editor:  These can be any length but we reserve the right to edit.  If they get much over a couple 100 words then they are starting to become an article.  Several of our articles, and indeed one series started as a letter [email] to the editor.

Articles:  These should be 1,000-3000 words, in English with English/UK (not US/American) spelling.
If you are going over 3,000 words talk to the editor as we may be able to extend word counts. Some things we can serialise or could be done as a shorter article and the full article as a stand-alone book*.

References and citations:  Whilst the magazine is not academic we do prefer that where possible there are references and citations for things.  These should be as end-notes i.e. all listed at the end of the article.
References can be to books, magazines or on-line sources such as web pages, videos, PDF documents and the like. NOTE Wikipedia is not suitable as a reference.  Wikipedia is inherently unreliable as a primary source. You can use Wikipedia as a guide but citations and references cannot be Wikipedia.

For academics and historians given the complexity of different sources we recommend you use the additional Notes and Bibliography Guide https://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/book/ed17/part3/ch14/toc.html

Books: Tamworth Heritage Magazine works closely with a publisher to produce both on-line PDF books and printed books.  If you are looking at writing a book on history of anything from family to a king, the corner shop to a regiment email the editor@TamworthHeritage.org.uk

File Formats:
Text should be supplied in the following formats: Microsoft Word .doc or .docx,  Rich Text Format .rtf,  Text file .txt, Open Doc  .odt
Other format such as Apple Pages by arrangement (talk to the editor).

NOTE If you are using LibreOffice or Open Office save the files as RTF and make all footnotes endnotes.


We cannot accept the following formats:  Microsoft Publisher.
Note that Microsoft Publisher is fianly being made Obsolete and unsuppoted by Microsoft in 2025.


Images (photos, maps, paintings)
All images should be sent separately and NOT embedded in the text file. Any images sent by email should be sent as Attachments not in the body of the email.  There should be a note in the text to say which image is appropriate at that point in the form: [image:  peelimage1.jpg].


There should be a list of all images at the end of the text, along with captions and any ownership or copyright.   [image:  peelimage1.jpg  Caption: Pig in Rev smiths house  1875  copyright: Author]



Image formats:  All images should be supplied separately to the text and the highest resolution possible.
Preferably: .PNG .dng .tif or .tiff .jpg or.jpeg .eps We can also accept Nikon & Canon RAW files.  Others RAW files and formats like  .heic .BMP .Targa /webp  by prior  arrangement.  
We can also accept any Serif-Affinity file formats.
We can accept Adobe .idml or CS6 (or below) and PDF


 Image File names
Please name your main document according to its content eg Peel.docx
Then any additional files Peelimage1.jpg  Peeltable1.xls  etc


We would much rather help with an article than it not happen at all.



Tamworth  Heritage Magazine